Pros, Cons, And Working Principle Of Microservices

Pros, Cons, And Working Principle Of Microservices

Monolithic systems fall short in the current days of containerization and cloud computing. Nowadays, software systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Construction and upkeep of monolithic systems are getting more and more challenging. A monolithic system consists of all the system’s parts developed and assembled into a single unit. The complete system would have to be redeployed to make any changes to a single component.

A software development approach called Microservice architecture divides a system into smaller, autonomous components. It is a group of independently operating services created with a specific industry in mind. These distinct components can manage a certain aspect of the software’s operation. In this blog, let’s look at the working principle, pros, and cons of employing Microservices.

Pros Of Employing Microservices

The process of developing software is streamlined by the implementation of the Microservices architecture. In the long term, it also makes software maintenance simpler. The pros of employing Microservice architecture are:

  • Results In Increased Fault Tolerance

Big applications with several deployed services are more fault-tolerant than a single module. Even if one of the Microservices fails, the applications within it may still function. This is a result of the services’ loose connection. The functioning of other Microservices is unaffected by the failure of one.

  • Simpler Scaling Up

Each service is individually planned, built, and implemented in the Microservices architecture. So, we may update and utilize the Microservice that manages that capability whenever one component of the software has to be updated. Here, the complete system doesn’t need to be pulled down and put back into service. This makes it possible for the software system to operate and undergo updates without any issues.

  • Allows To Explore Several Technologies

By creating a variety of services, Microservices developers have the freedom to experiment with numerous technologies. Less technology is required for each module to function. The process of going back to earlier versions is simpler.

  • Simpleness Of The Software System’s Codebase To Understand

Understanding the code base for a module is made simpler by the fact that each module only has one task. It is easy to build a module, keeping in mind the functionality of only that module. Each module’s functioning is somewhat easier to comprehend.

  • Independent Deployment Of Each Module

Microservices may be implemented separately in any application since they are discrete components. The complete application does not need to be rebuilt and deployed if just one module is changed. Deployment is made simpler and faster with smaller codebases. This is a result of the services having fewer dependencies to manage. Continuous deployment is also made possible by the independent deployment of individual or separate services. By doing this, users are always using the most recent version of the software.

Cons Of Implementing Microservices

Microservices have certain cons as well. A few of the problems encountered when implementing this architecture are listed below:

  • Additional Resources Are Needed

The resources required to deploy Microservices grow as there are more of them. The upkeep of several databases and records would be required. The cost of keeping the records will go up due to transaction management between the services.

  • Increasing Communication Complexity Between Services

By dividing a program into several smaller modules, the communication overhead grows. While processing requests between the various components, Microservices developers must exercise extreme caution. Various systems may communicate differently, and an interpreter may be required. The difficulty of deploying a whole system at once may rise as a result.

  • Inapplicable To Little Applications

For larger applications, the Microservices architecture is a viable choice. However, it will take more time and effort to develop smaller apps.

  • Testing And Debugging Globally Is Challenging

Comparatively speaking, testing monolithic software is much easier than testing Microservice-based software. All that is left to do is run our software, check its connection with the underlying database, and evaluate it. Applications built using Microservices must first run and test each service separately. Once all the services have been launched, the application as a whole has to be tested once again.

  • Relatively Complex deployment

During deployment, there should be some collaboration between several services. It could be a difficult process to deploy and wouldn’t be straightforward. Monolithic systems cannot compete with the advantages of Microservices. They do, however, also have certain drawbacks. The drawbacks primarily depend on how you use it.

For complex, large-scale applications, Microservices work well. Monolithic systems continue to be preferable for smaller, simpler, and easier-to-debug applications. In short, the new development technique is Microservices. And each developer must take that into account while creating the application architecture.

The Deployment And The Working Principle

While deploying a Microservice application, you have a variety of options based on the complexity of the architecture, your firm’s budget, goals, and other aspects. Several factors will need to be taken into account, such as dependability, scalability, maintenance and operating expenses, deployment tracking, and others. Running all the services as separate processes from a single computer, which can be an on-premises computer or a rented server, is the simplest approach to deploying a Microservices application.

You may deploy your application on many servers to increase scalability. Although it is feasible to run Microservices as tasks, maintenance, and dependency management, it can quickly become time-consuming and error-prone. As a workaround, every Microservice can be packaged as a container to include all of its dependencies. When Microservice applications are deployed using containers, the services are kept separate, dependency management is made simpler, and the deployment process is simplified.

You may deploy Microservices to serverless platforms that are being operated in the cloud; thus, you do not necessarily need to maintain your servers. When you select this option, the cloud provider handles everything.

Wrapping Up

Large-scale applications created by distributed teams and operating in the cloud are best suited for the Microservice design, but smaller apps are frequently better off using a monolithic code base. Microservices offer cons and pros; although they make it simpler to create and manage separate services, maintaining communication between them and planning for failure will take more work. The use of the Microservices architecture can benefit greatly from the use of container systems, cloud computing, and DevOps techniques.